What is PCCW Global Academy?
The PCCW Global Academy offers comprehensive training courses on our leading Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) platform, offering you expert advice and guidance on Software Defined Networking (SDN).
Our training content is specially designed to help you get the most from the Console Connect platform, including:
- Learn new digital skills
- Share insights on emerging technologies
- Earn digital badges and certifications
To get started, head to http://academy.app.consoleconnect.com.
Using PCCW Global Academy
How do I log in to PCCW Global Academy?
PCCW Global Academy is exclusively available to Console Connect users. Please login with your Console Connect account credentials. You can refer to the video below for a comprehensive step-by-step login tutorial.
If you are not yet a Console Connect user, kindly register an account by following the guide provided here.

How can I enrol in a course?
Enrolling on a course with Console Connect Academy is easy. After logging in, you will see a selection of courses available. Simply click on one to see more information, and then click “add to cart”. You can add more courses by clicking “go to homepage”, or check out by clicking “go to cart”.
If you have a coupon code, you can enter it as this point. Coupon codes are sometimes available through special promotions.
After checkout, your course will be available on your dashboard. Simply click it to begin.
You can also use the video guides on this page to guide you through the process.

What is the level of technical knowledge needed to take a course on PCCW Global Academy?
There are courses available on Console Connect Academy for all skill levels.
Our initial course, Console Connect Fundamentals 100, is designed to help learners understand basic Console Connect features and knowledge regardless of their level of technical knowledge.
How do I progress from video to video?
Once each video has been completed, click the ‘Next Lesson’ button in the top right hand corner or on the menu to proceed.
Each video in a series must be completed before moving to the next one.
What happens if I fail the quiz?
Don’t worry, you can keep taking the quiz until you get the questions right. You can review your answers, learn from your mistakes, and take it again. There’s no time limit to complete the quiz, but you will need to have passed it to progress in the course.
I've received an error message when submitting my answers, what should I do?
If you receive an ‘invalid user status’ message as pictured when submitting your answers, it is likely because the cookies have expired due to the page being open for longer than expected. Simply refresh the page and your results will be submitted correctly.
If you come across a different error message, please contact support for further advice.
Is my progress in the course saved?
The system automatically saves your learning progress. If you need to leave and come back at any point, the system will remember and you can pick up from the point you left.
Are there handouts available to download?
Some courses have extra materials available to download, such as course manuals and a glossary of terms. Scroll down the course page to see, and click on the filename to download a .pdf document.
Exams and certification
What is the difference between a quiz and an exam?
During a course, you may have quizzes to test your knowledge on a particular part of what you have learned. These are intended to form part of the learning process and check you haven’t missed something important.
An exam is performed at the end of a course, to test your knowledge of the entire subject area and validate all of your learning. This is what will qualify you for a certification, if one is attached to the course.
What if I cannot complete the exam within the time limit?
If you reach a time limit in an exam, the system will automatically end your session. All answers you have selected up until that point will be used to calculate your score.
What happens if I fail the exam?
The exam is designed in a way to test for a comprehensive understanding of the course content. If you find it challenging, we recommend reviewing the course leading up to it to gain a greater understanding.
You can also review the incorrect answers you gave. Click “See Your Answers” on the final score page, to review any answers that were incorrect and the reason why. That way, you can learn from your mistakes ahead of your next attempt.
Where can I find my badge and certification?
When you complete a course, you’ll be given the opportunity to download your certificate. You can redownload the certificate for any course at any time from the page for that course.
You can also earn badges throughout your experience in Console Connect Academy. You can find all of your digital badges in the Gamification tab at the top of the page. You can share these digital badges on social media to spread the news of your success.

What should I do when my certification expires?
Some courses have expiration dates on certification. Taking the course again will extend your certification and allow you to brush up on your knowledge and any new developments since you last took the course.
Mobile app
You can access PCCW Global Academy through the Go.Learn mobile app, available for iPhone, iOS and Android devices. You can download the app by searching for “Go.Learn” on the App Store or on the Google Play Store.
Setting up the mobile app
On opening the Go.Learn app, you will be asked for a Platform URL. To access PCCW Global Academy, use the URL https://academy.app.consoleconnect.com. You will then be taken to a page that allows you to sign in with Console Connect.
If you do not currently have a Console Connect account, you will be prompted to set one up. Further information on how to sign up to Console Connect can be found on our dedicated Help page. Use of a company email address is required.
After signing in with your Console Connect account, you will be presented with the Academy homepage within the Go.Learn app.